
Thursday, December 17, 2020






Sunday, November 29, 2020







Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wrap rm40 for TWO! (worth it or not?) | Ezibox WRONG NUMBER?! SOLVED!


hello people.

so, recently i just bought myself a new wrap at this one ig shop easy.wrap (boleh la kalau nak usha). then, aku ada masalah parcel which is i wrongly put my number phone and that guy already post my parcel. but luckily he post it using poslaju. so, i am staying at upm serdang right now. so all pos laju parcel will be put it ezibox.

so, bila dah salah letak number phone. abang posmen akan send mesej untuk bagi pin for our parcel. so yeah i tak dapat la pin tu sebab wrong number. i pun just wait for a few days supaya abang posmen ambil balik my parcel lepas dah 3 hari dalam ezibox tu. (lesson learn) so i tracking my post using apps which is very useful. (on ios but for android not sure) boleh download tu and track parcel korg.

okay itu apps tu bila korang masukkan tracking number, dia akan update mana parcel korang pergi. harini i pergi ambil parcel kat poslaju balakong after dia keluarkan balik parcel i dalam ezibox tu.

so, if korang pun tersilap number phone macam i, don't worry. just wait and keep on track u punya parcel then bila dah sampai hub poslaju korang boleh pergi claim. ini solution untuk orang yang tersilap key in number phone la. tapi kalau boleh elakkan la sbb menyusahkan pekerja poslaju dan kau juga sbb nak kena pegi hub poslaju. rugi masa.

okay so i received my parcel. aku order wrap. dan aku puas hati sbb material dia mmg tak sama mcm yg kedai gadget aku pernah pasang dulu. this one lagi tebal and lawa. aku dapat design yang aku suka. tbh, aku suka putih tp bila tengok marble putih pun nice gak... so why not aku beli marble putih. after tengok video cara pasang wrap ni. aku terlepas pandang. aku takde blower or heater untuk lekatkan dia supaya lagi lawa edges. so aku gunakan lighter je. nampak la comot but better than use bare hand.

aku cuba untuk lekatkan dia. aku beli masa promotion 10.10 ritu so buy one free one. aku belikan untuk kawan aku gak. dia suka so aku happy la sbb warna dia pun nice. untuk first time pasang mmg macam susah tapi lepas belajar dari kesilapan aku dah tahu cara mcm mana lagi senang untuk dia lekat. 

itu fon aku. lawa kan? harga dia mcm kat tajuk tu rm40. for me agak pricey la sbb wrap ni akan tertanggal if korang rajin tukar casing. mcm aku suka gak tukar casing so aku kena limitkan penggunaan tukar casing.

yang warna kuning gold ni kawan aku punya. lawa gak. harga asal rm35 ke rm30 aku lupa tp sebabkan aku beli dpt free, aku minta ni. sbb abg tu kata bole amik benda free yg sama harga so kawan aku insist nak ni. aku pun pilih la yg ni. kalau korang minat boleh usha ig easy.wrap :)

pakai wrap ni kena pakai casing clear yg silicon baru tak rosak kalau nak pakaikan baju untuk dia. i dah try masukkan baju kat baby marble tp edges dia asyik terganggu je. so korang kena sabar and slowly masukkan dia. kalau edges terbuka masa masukkan casing, guna je lighter bg dia sticky balik.

lepas dah 5 kali percubaan untuk memakaikan dia baju, aku takkan buka dah casing phone aku. fuh... really silicon is a good option if using wrap.

overall aku puas hati 8/10

untuk aku yang nak tukar body iphone tapi tunggu bila ada duit lebih maybe la ni option terbaik. so biar je lah dulu. dah la screen depan retak seribu. sekali dengan camera calar... hahahaha...

aku harap ada rezeki terpijak supaya boleh mengubah nasib hidup ku dan keluarga ku. amiiinnn!

kbye. salam

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What to do & what should have : on Online Class

 Assalamualaikum wbt.

Hi everyone!

So, since this semester i will be using online learning to study on my second year, so, i will share to you what things you should have when you are doing online classes.

First time i'm using this online learning as platform study. Before this my lecturer already told us about OL (online learning) which is will be implement in UUM soon but still didn't know when it can be done. Sometimes, we using OL to do our assessment and if our lecturer didn't want to do classes, she will be using OL as a platform for us to answer their questions.

Its just an intro. Ok so some things that you will need will be,

  1. Printer (if only can print black&white also fine)
  2. Files (to put ur print handouts)
  3. Laptop & cooler fan
  4. Extensions plug (if u have limited plugs)
  5. Extended usb port (mine using plug on power supply not attach to usb port on laptop)
  6. Mic and Speaker (can be use both like headphone)
  7. Phone stand (to easy record self-videos)
  8. Notes book (just 1 will be enough to jots down notes)
  9. A4 paper 70gsm (no need to be thick for printing)
  10. i think that's all for now because i am fine with it.

on the picture above, it is my workplace in my room for this semester. for me it is very simple. I just simply put a wrap paper on my wall to easily stick some important date for my assignment. So, if you have any ideas to decorate your workplace, just do it. Do it what you want and feel at ease doing your work there.

For me, doing work with minimize thing on table is fine for me. i don't like so many stuff on my table. just have what i need to have. oh btw, i also bought myself a microphone BOYA for recording my videos since my assignment will need to make so many videos soon.

so yeah. this is the most important thing to have since we need more usb port to plug in. my laptop only have 2 usb port so obviously i need it. i bought this tp-link for rm35.00 at lowyatt. it is worth it since this thing is a branded stuff and you need to buy this thing if you not have enough usb port.

ok next, this is the stand for my file and book. maybe you can buy this at Eco shop for only rm2.10 each. just buy the cheapest one because one day you will not use this anymore (maybe).

oh yeah i think you do need some hard back cover for easy you to write on bed since online classes will lead some boredom. sometimes, i study on bed and write down notes on my scalp paper with back hard cover to ease writing. i usually use my file for my own notes but its not helping so i change my strategy this sem to buy it at Noko rm2 only. cheap right?

no need to buy fancy stuff but if only that stuff is worth it to buy expensive then its fine (like my usb port). so, its your life to live your life. all the best for your study and keep hustling !


btw, this new me. old me pls go.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020



Saje nak post sini since mine is kinda crack sbb pixel kot. wtv. later i try la.
so, hey ... apa khabar. maybe i need to slow down a bit. less talk maybe. or keep talking? shhhh remain silent and die ~ need to have a study vibes but nah i dont have that vibes yet...

killing my times sambil buat favicon but i think i tak puas hati langsung. hm. maybe i need to make it clear but how? more research need to be done but later la.... i x berapa rajin la... (im sad sbb kelas nak start)

all the best for everyone. keep hustling till we are die. kbye

Friday, October 2, 2020

Among Us !... is covid.

 Assalamualaikum wbt,

salam sejahtera...

so recently , kes covid meningkat like so bad. aku ada gak la pergi putrajaya such as ioi pastu malam2 pergi la jogging kat park. since ada prk kat sabah aku dah agak mesti kes covid akan naik and also kat putrajaya pun mesti ada kes.


sebab mostly ramai je org politik akan ke sabah untuk berpolitik... and its not just that taw... mestilah orang yang berkempen kat sana pun bukannya asal sabah. but org luar from sabah. lagi menyedihkan bila ada budak kecil tetibe dapat covid. pastu ada gak kes that cikgu bawa covid ke sekolah. but its not that cikgu salah but laki dia yg baru balik from prk at sabah. hmm 

orang kaya kalau kena pkp 2.0 mesti tak ter effect sgt but if kena kat orang susah yg mmg kais pagi makan pagi? mmg kena keluar cari keje baru ada duit then how? sbb tu ada bantuan but bantuan also tak disalurkan dgn betul. if only orang susah yg mmg buta IT then dpt pulak ketua kg yang jenis tak kisah and lantak kan je. then how? kesian gak la.

even funnier, ada isu pasal line internet kat sarawak. ada gak menteri yg nak fight dgn budak tu sampai ajak jumpa. its bullshit. budak tu sanggup panjat pokok untuk dptkan line internet so that dia boleh jawab test and buat assignment but how that menteri react? "saje nak perhatian" LAME.



kesian rakyat. kita punyalah ikut sop. pakai mask but orang atasan? relax je kan. pity country.

buka twitter je menyakitkan hati tengok menteri duk busy kejar kuasa. DG Hisyam sampai give up nak announce covid cases everyday. lack of sleep im sure and also all the front liners as well. masa habis untuk rawatan covid and stay up untuk jaga patients. they really valid to have all the priority sbb they're fighting for us. i really hope KKM boleh bg rewards yang sepatutnya.

well this month i start of with 'Jatuh tangga" hahahaha

and yes im in pain right now. my left leg is bruising while my right leg is hurting so much haha. oh yeah i think this time i let go one of the best thing that i ever wanted to be actually. i want to be MPP since Diploma but i never did it. then now JKPS is also a dream (for now since i baru sem 3) hahahaha~ maybe next time i think. this time i need to focus more on my study first. and i cant be so stress or migraine might attack me.

now mmg la leisure but not study yet. so let see what will happen. i cant do many jobs in one time if i am doubt bout it so yeah better let it go for now. its ok. maybe i will be fine soon~

that's all for now. tetibe teringat how my dad treat me when im sick :)

love you ayah <3 

my prayer always for u !


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Al-Fatihah buat Azhiim dan semua yg telah tiada


dan salam sejahtera.

so, harini ada berita yg x berapa best. and agak shock. sebab semua ni jadi so sudden. and aku ingatkan benda ni just prank but its not.

a guy yg fully not related to me.
a guy yg not really rapat dengan aku.
a guy yg simply tegur aku like rapat gila.
a guy yg sangat baik dan peramah.

he is the guy yg terlalu ramai orang kata 
' dia ni baik '

dekat timeline banyak lalu pasal kau azhiim. aku tak percaya at first sebab kes dulu. so aku take precaution. but pasal kematian takkan nak buat jokes right?

so aku tunggu news untuk lihat kesahihan news ni. and guess what?

betul kau dah takde. rupanya kau dah takde sejak 2:30pm siang tadi on 30th July 2020.

last chat with you bro
kau baik sangat. 
even we are not close but still aku rasa sedih lepas dapat tahu berita kau dah takde.
aku sampai tanya zee, 'betul ke? jangan main-main..' and zee jawab 'betul sab. azhiim dah takde'.

aku terdiam. then hani reply ws as voice note.. aku dengar hani nangis. so aku tahu kau memang dah takde. aku harap kau tenang dekat sana wahai sahabat. kau terlalu baik dan aku tahu kau jaga kebajikan keluarga dan sangat sayangkan mak kau. i can see that. even kwn aku sendiri ckp kau baik.

Allah ambil kau tanpa diduga azhiim. aku baru je usha smart saving kau. tapi apakan daya. Allah je tahu apa perancangan dia. aku sangat bersyukur kenal kau eventho tak serapat nina, hani dan yg lain. but still aku rasa sayu atas pemergian kau.

he also funny guy
can u imagine how he is? sedangkan aku dengan dia langsung tak rapat. i feel so sad. but i know family dia lagi sedih atas pemergian azhiim. esok raya haji weh. aku tak boleh la.. sebak rasanya...

the crash is so bad
please sedekahkan al fatihah untuk arwah azhiim
doakan supaya arwah ditempatkan dikalangan orang yg beriman. amin!

tenanglah kau di sana. semoga roh dicucuri rahmat 💝

Friday, June 5, 2020

UPU : UUM 2019 | Sad Story


Bismillah. Assalamualaikum~

How are you?

I am fine. I hope you are doing well too~ Btw, today is the day when i feel so blessed. Dont ask me why i just can feel the vibes. thanks for everything today!

Ok so i want to story a bit about last year. #Majorthrowback
I still remember, hari sepatutnya result keluar tu, i am going out with my ex and we having fun at the town. but tbh, aku lupa haritu ialah hari result UPU keluar. so aku just spend my time wisely tanpa risau dapat Uni or not.

Balik je rumah mama tell me result UPU dah keluar. i just nodded and masuk bilik. cuak juga la nak check sebab first try UPU mmg i failed walaupun dapat temuduga UPSI but takat tu je la. then second chance, aku just cuak nak check... but still i kena check. bila check je and at that time dah 11pm? maybe... then aku tengok dia kata TAHNIAH! hahahaha

terus keluar bilik and bgtahu ayah then mama... mama takut nak tanya i pasal result sebab takut gagal and she also told me that she dont wanna ask when im going out cuz she was thinking i going out to release stress if only i dont get UPU again. she is soooo excited cuz mama really wants me to further my study and so do i. i dont want to work yet. i still want to pursue my study. Alhamdulillah i dapat UUM Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah.


Some particular question and respond i received. Its quite annoying but still need to face it anyway. Plus all my diploma friend thinking i am in love with utara.. dude, if only i can choose where i wanna go it will be fine 😝 

The feeling bila dapat sambung tu best sangat. But. i dont know why but my dad seems not happy. he look so gloomy 😔 he is not someone that i know. i can feel the different. haritu i tukar spec baru pun dia tak happy (ok ni i tukar masa cuti mid sem before ayah sakit). if only i know this will happen... but i dont know. hm

i cari barang masuk Uni dgn ex, and i ask money from ayah and beli keperluan semua sendiri. ayah busy and i beli sendiri. almost everyday i akan keluar sbb ada je barang tak cukup. i also tak packing barang awal. just sediakan borang apa yang patut dibawa je. he dont even bother sbb i know how to handle it. i miss his jokes so much 😭 

as usual, i will go there 2 days early because mama got friend at changlun so she wants to meet her as well and mama friends also know the selok belok kat UUM sbb anak dia baru je grad from UUM. on the road i got a bad headache. i cannot bare it and daddy is worried. sampai je RnR he ask me to eat panadol and siap pesan before naik kereta or long trip drive just eat panadol 2 pills. i just nodded. masuk kereta i tido again sebab cannot tahan anymore.

after sampai hotel, i terus baring and then baru take shower untuk slow down kan sikit my sakit kepala. my dad tired as well. but the only thing i remember, i sleep all day sebab sakit kepala... i sleep early and esok bangun mengadu lapar. but nasib la kawan mama datang but bukan pergi makan tapi pergi check UUM 😫 I dah lapar and gastrik... luckily ada air kosong. so i drink that first untuk cover from kelaparan.


My dad already perli and says ,
"Nanti duit cepat habis tahu dah pegi mana."
Mama pulak cakap
"Jangan boros sangat. Simpan duit tu dan guna bila perlu je. Nanti gemok bising"
Ayah replied
"Takpe adik belajar je. Pasal duit jangan risau. Tahu la ayah nak buat macam mana 😄"

Ayah . I know . I am a spender. im so sorry. 
before belajar pun banyak minta ayah duit but duit tu semua mengalir kat tempat and benda yang tak guna. im sorry dad.

Ok settle jejalan UUM and tunjuk my college, we go eat lunch at rumah kawan mama. i lupa nama dia sbb my old phone already gone. so i might be forgotten so many people names. my bad. after done eating, we headed back to hotel and have a rest. petang sikit keluar again cari makanan.. sbb aku lapar 😩 i go buy minum petang with mama sbb ayah too lazy nak keluar kereta. 

malam terakhir aku tido dgn mama dan ayah. (kena pulak lagu sedih Berhenti Berharap #np)
aku serious tak rasa emosi kena tinggalkan parents sbb masa diploma aku dah pernah berjauhan dan nangis so masa degree aku tak rasa sangat. malam tu ayah tak nak keluar cari dinner tapi aku ngadu gak lapar sedangkan sebelum balik hotel td dah makan kat marrybrown but still aku lapar.. ayah ajak pegi station minyak nearby hotel jalan kaki. aku join! 😄😄😄 SEBAB AKU NAK BELI FOOD!

mama stay in room. only me and dad. masa turun lobi, i can see many people like my age myb and i assume dorang study at UUM as well. sampai je station minyak, ayah suruh ambil je apa i nak. i just take maggi cup and some hot cups drink. and i bawa pegi counter and suddenly my dad ask me to choose ice cream. i pick the walls cornetto and for mama as well. i enjoy eating ice cream kat luar hotel sbb angin malam sejuk and ayah suruh makan dulu baru naik bilik. so aku ikut je la.

after settle makan, and ayah is talking to the owner of hotel, aku minta diri nak naik bilik sbb nak iron baju untuk esok. and he just nodded. but ramai pulak nak iron baju. so i skip. myb xyah iron la.. just tudung je or aku bedal je tudung aku pakai ritu.

esoknya, bangun pagi and breakfast. my heart x cuak pun just act normal. tak tahu nak rasa apa... feeling numb? 😅 ayah dont seems happy. mmg normal sbb ayah x suka aku jauh but i have to. i dont even know he is even going so far right now. i miss you 😞😔😭

haritu ada photobooth and tah kenapa aku ajak mama and ayah tangkap gambar as kenangan and yes. itu gambar last dengan ayah cuz ayah bukan photo person (same like me). nampak la muka tak happy dia 😕 tp xpe ayah. i still love it 💕

haritu banyak kali suruh mama belikan something, dengan baju putih la. tudung putih la. belikan untuk kawan juga la.. semua la... ayah marah sbb tak prepare masa kat kl... well aku dah agak pun kena marah. kawan aku dari sabah pun ada masatu. malu ah kena marah ada kawan baru lak... then tak jauh dari tu pun ada orang duduk berdekatan and rupanya member yg tetibe kteorg klik skali. malu aku 😓

like usual orientasi and nasib baik la bukan orientasi like kiddo. cool no ragging and no pressure. just enjoy my moment kat UUM. hari ayah balik but dorang tak visit aku sbb dorang ckp aku dah besar 😹😹😹 ok fine daddy.

the bond is real. anak ayah is real. ayah sakit adik sakit. i love you! 💢💗

i still ingat how that whole week i keep on calling u instead of mama. manja dengan ayah is another level la.. ayah layankan je and still treat me like a kid. haihhh mana nak jumpa ayah begini tell me?! every week bank in je duit sbb risau aku takde duit. sedangkan ada je duit. at first ayah tak bg ambil pt sbb dia kata dia mampu but mama insist nak ambil juga. and mama kata luckily ambil. we never know in future. betul la. sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

every week ayah masukkan duit. every friday mcm feeling masa diploma. mesti ayah masukkan duit so aku ada je duit... kalau ada duit lebih mesti ayah bank in lagi... aku tak minta but still ayah nak bagi. dia kata "jangan makan megi je. makan nasi. jangan tak makan. jangan berlapar sbb nak jimat duit. ada je duit ni. adik makan. adik tu gastrik." how cute he is.

ada masa tu i mengadu i sakit perut sbb makan benda apa tah and he told me not to buy from person just pergi kafe at least. nanti senang if something.. i just "ok".. funny how he love to video call me. and he said "gemoknya adik." i am soooo sakit hati... then i ask nak tengok darren and kin... and he showed me my cats terbongkang tido lena.

one day, ayah bagitahu dia dah pasang tinted at my car and i asked him to show me. it was dark ok. jarang la ayah nak pasang tinted gelap gitu. cuz i pernah ngadu nak pakai fully tinted not half and yes. he grant my wish.

till something happen,

he got sick. the night when i call mama. and i ask mama where is dad. i wanna talk to him but at the background i can hear is saying something "tak nak.. ayah letih nak tido". and mama repeated what he said. i just say "ok night". then esoknya i dapat tahu ayah masuk ICU. my heart is broke into pieces 💔💔💔
baru semalam aku sembang and pagi tu aku dapat tahu berita mcm ni.. how aku tahu dulu? aku tgk status whatsapp angah. and aku terus reply tanya kenapa.. and angah told me ayah sakit malam tu.

Me: Aku baru cakap dengan ayah semalam!
Angah: Ye dik. aku pun terkejut ni.

Aku menangis pagi tu. Nasib baik rumet aku dah pegi koko and and mmg haritu exam koko untuk semua student tahun 1 and tahun 2. aku lost. aku iron sambil nangis. aku pergi mandi then terfikir should i go back home. but mama tak call suruh balik... sambil nangis again.

balik je bilik aku dapat call from angah. he was crying and told me to come back home immediately cuz dad condition was bad. aku jawab "ye aku akan balik lepas aku settle exam taekwando ni. kau jangan risau. aku mmg plan nak balik"

luckily, aku x pernah ponteng any classes so its not a big deal for me. i just whatsapp my lecturer why aku tak masuk kelas. (#np Hanya Rindu/ sumpah ngam lagu time writing ni) well lagu sendu and kematian banyak dah aku layan before ayah sakit. aku rasa zero and aku fikir mcm ada someone will left me. masa ni aku fikir mama akan tinggalkan aku. i never fikir ayah akan pergi dulu 😔 Hati ini hanya rindu ❤

my rushing nak balik tu jangan cakap la.. nasib baik aku rasa semuanya dipermudahkan. i already post bout this journey. its hurt to remind it back. but its ok. im fine.

Post Emergency Leave (klik to read)
and this post is when i already feel nothing and its real zero feelings Feels Numb

i rasa itu je la. for now. i just rasa nak menaip so here it is the hasil. thank u for reading!

Sabrina Wazien xx💥

MOVE ON (Draft: July 10, 2018)

2 Julai 2018 , Monday
Recently i just watched Wanita Hari Ini about moving on.

They make a comparison between man and woman. Siapa lagi cepat move on.

So the guest i dah lupa nama but i do remember their face. Oh sorang tu Ropi pelawak . I pernah juga tengok cerita Di Sebalik Tawa and dia ada cerita pasal bekas kekasih dia.

Well let me make it short, bekas kekasih dia tinggalkan dia sebab kes jadi seorang seniman ni tak pergi mana sampai anak- anak tak dapat makan and keperluan yang lengkap.

Why i use bekas kekasih not bekas isteri? Sebab i can see that he still love her macam baru mula bercinta. Tapi tak semua cerita indah diakhiri dengan cerita indah kan?

I don't know what to say but move on is not an easy thing to do if we do fall in love with someone. We give all our heart and willing to do anything for them as long as they happy. Make people happy is not easy. Because we always want to do something that can make them happy even its just a small thing.

10 Julai 2018 , Tuesday
Past few days,
I received a text from my ex regarding of her acts to me. Finally, dia dah realized apa sebab i minta dilepaskan. And dia janji dia takkan bersama dengan i semula sebab dia akan buat i happy dengan cara pergi daripada hidup i lagi. I don't know why but i really crying so bad because of that words. Dia dah sedar kesilapan dia setelah banyak kali i minta untuk dilepaskan.

I sebenarnya memang berniat untuk kasi dia sedar kenapa i buat semua ni.

Dan akhirnya semuanya berbaloi. Dia dah sedar apa silap dia lepas i tinggalkan dia. Kenapa masa i minta dilepaskan for the first time u tak pernah sedar? maybe, sebab u yakin i akan get back dgn u.

Memang i get back dengan u sebab i rasa i tak boleh tanpa u. tapi makin hari, rasa sakit di hati semakin dalam. Hati ini memberontak untuk minta dilepaskan. Dia dah terlalu sakit. Sakit rindu, sakit dipulaukan dsb. Jadi i minta dilepaskan dan memang kali ini kau memang telah melepaskan aku dengan ayat yang kau hantar kepada ku. Terima kasih.

Sejujurnya aku masih dalam fasa move on. biarlah aku simpan ini di dalam draft dan sekiranya aku berjaya move on, aku akan post untuk tatapan umum.

5 June 2020 Friday 1:42PM

Let's see this post. how long it will take for me to move on. i just realize i put this as draft because i tak sampai hati nak post. Risau ada salah faham. Well i must say. this is insane. How time flies ~ Tak guna explain condition kita. Kita sendiri hadap. Semoga bahagia ~

Good bye past. 

Hi present ! 

throwback UPU and Birthday !

Assalamualaikum wbt, 


Tak salah kan kalau nak throwback?

Apa khabar semua~ i hope everyone feelin better eventho u are trying to be fine.
So far everything is fine till today 4/6/2020 is arrive!

Why im so excited bout this date? First sebab today is my fav aunt birthday and second is UPU result is out today. ada yang happy and ada yg sedih sebab tak dapat masuk Uni yg dorang nak.

Well, i think elok gak kalau ada yang tak dapat masuk uni sebab this sem korang kena buat semua benda online. we as student UUM semua benda kena buat online termasuklah daftar subjek. semua subjek korang kena assign sendiri nak masuk group mana yang available. memang first sem dorang dah bagi group mana but ada a few subjek je. yang lain korang kena insert sendiri ye. 

but maybe nanti ok kot.

now online classes mmg tak jadi masalah untuk uum student cumanya masalah bila semua kat rumah and line internet not really good. i must say that im agreed sebab line is an issues for all the student.

just chill guys. wait for the confirmation. for sure dorang akan keluarkan kenyataan apa yang perlu dilakukan. luckily aku lepaskan semua jawatan program untuk sem 2 kalini HAHAHAHA... kalau tak, mesti jadi hal nak kena buat semua benda online.

aunt nak bersara awal. i is sad. kalau tak mesti aunt pencen and i pun settle kat kedah. but its ok. itu pilihan aunt but i hope everything will be fine for u and family :) its such a lovely to have this kind of aunt. you are the best aunt 💙💙💙💙🎔🎔🎔🎔🎔


so , i got nothing much to say. i just wanna be fine.

#np This is Gospel

(physical touch of love is so overwhelming)

Thursday, May 28, 2020

both. (copy paste)

You are more of a public introvert and private extrovert

Within your circle of family and friends, you are completely at ease and it’s often you who takes the lead to organise outings, dinners, vacations, etc. However, as soon as you are in a public or professional setting you become rather inhibited. You don’t feel in tune with what you would qualify as agitation, rivalry or vainglory and this can sometimes appear to others as a kind of hidden criticism or a lack of ambition. In fact, your pragmatic temperament helps you successfully manage problems as and when they arise. You aren’t the kind to calculate your every move and plan every inch of your life, and you find the sphere of family and friends to be much more gratifying to the professional sphere. You are more expressive in emotional, sensorial and human terms and at home your organisation skills and capacity to oil the family wheels work well and many of your family and friends appreciate your qualities and skills. At first glance, people find it hard to understand how you could be so comfortable organising your private life and then seem to lose the better part of your self-confidence when you’re in public. Maybe it’s a question of rhythm? If you feel comfortable in your domestic rhythm it’s perhaps because it works more on a short-term basis (day, week or more rarely a month). On the contrary, the rhythm of professional life seems less concrete and more distant as the professional agenda works more to quarterly or annual plans, that you have no control over. Is this the source of your lessened motivation? You can’t control all the cards so you have to adapt and, in fact, that doesn’t interest you at all? If this difference between work and home life doesn’t bother you, then carry on. However, if you feel frustrated by this imbalance, it could be useful to look into the deeper reasons (either on your own or with someone else) that keep you less focused on professional ambition. For instance, such reasons could be: a lack of thanks and recognition, a fear of not being up to the mark… It’s up to you to find out.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Raya without you~


so today is first day of syawal. what is so special with this raya anyway?
I already lost the vibes since my grandma passed away. but this time i feel so alone when you left me.
I missed how you treat me when puasa. u ask me to go out and buying some new clothes. and ya i know. last year i was so busy with my own life. sampai malas nak beraya kat kampung because i just want to stay kl.

but now everything is changed. i miss it how u treat me like so kiddo. i will and always be your anak ayah forever. i just want you but i can't. u r not mine. he lend it to me the best dad i ever had.

the way you pampered is so describable. its just nothing much i can say right now. its just only you dad.

last day of ramadan,
i just woke up and the feels is so different. you always call me and ask to do something at home so that u can continue doing something at home when it is ready. but not now. everything need to be settle between me and mom. i already set my time when is the time to help her. yeah i managed to do it. do u feel proud of me? :))

i got so many assignment because of this online learning. lecturer pun suka hati je bagi due date macam orang tak betul. and ya nasib baik i do my works cepat. yeah i know myself. its ok dad. i can manage myself. i hope that i can make mama proud.

mcm biasa la buat rendang ayam and for sure ayam bandar hahaha. and last year he cook everything termasuklah rendang, ketupat and kuah lemak. yeah he loves to cook. i have to admit my dad cooks is better. but this year i need to settle hal rumah like masak rendang then kemas rumah, baru boleh buat assignment.

actually i am freaking exhausted. abg being so childish eventho u already gone dad. i am not sure when will they realize about responsibility towards me and mama. hm its ok.

first day of raya,
yup just like usual bangun pagi mandi and makan. but ya mcm biasa la. lain sikit sbb selalunya ayah akan suruh siap then pegi somewhere but this time just at home dulu.. then ayah pagi2 mesti xde sbb sebuk at bengkel hahaha..

bangun pagi then feel so sunyi. if ada tetamu datang sure ayah akan entertain. ayah have so many things to talk to. but last year raya mmg ayah tak banyak cakap like selalu. so i never realize it was my last year raya with him. memories come one by one.

mama sebuk nak pergi kuala selangor. dia tak tahu ke banyak kenangan kat sana. give me time nak hadam semua ni ... i am weak la mcm ni. gimme time sikit...

its hurt and awkward without you. hm

Al- Fatihah ~

Thursday, May 14, 2020

4 words



So, basically i am listening to Imagine Dragons right now. The lyrics is basically fit me right now.
Trust me darling. I'm a bad liar. Ok itu lagu ~

so, i wanna ask, is it hard to communicate and make a deal on something which is give an impact in your life? ok la. senang cerita macam kau plan nak buat pelaburan dengan orang tersayang. tapi dia tak setuju but kau insist nak juga. pada masa yg sama kau dah bagi beban dekat partner kau. partner kau stress sbb ye la financial tak stable lagi, tetiba dah kena ada commitment. and hey, tak kahwin pun lagi. is it fair? to be honest, its not.

both side is hurting and the agreement is not valid. why? one side is not agree but he have to. being forced is not cool. just be tough for those who is dealing with this kind of situation.


well, something is hitting me real hard right now. my mind is blank with nothing inside. something is dying inside but not sure what is it. i am trying to do my assignment but still, it didn't make any changes. stay in front of laptop and listening to music. what is wrong with me now?

4words. ayah+mama=adik

is it words or lettteR? idk.

but whos cares ya.

love = awak 

same right? 

i just realize. four (4) is my new favorite number now. it's been awhile i want to write bout this but i never do it. so this is the time. i just truly in love right now. but i want to keep it safe inside my heart. i hate to show off what i have. keep it myself so people wont be envy on me and everything will be fine. i am happy now :)

there is no words can describe. pls don't make it hard in life. just enjoy it till we can ^^

banana casing ~
yup i am in love with this casing. dah lama beli but now baru boleh pakai sebab baru repair screen. and yup pisang ~ my favourite fruit ! idk. i just love fruit <3 if only ayah can see me now. i wish your jokes dad. the haluuu word from both of us make me smile and be a kid again. the way you treated me is so special dad. i miss you so much.

i really miss how our last conversation on that night. you ask me to not buying food from someone who is not sure what they are selling. because i mengadu sakit perut and not happy with that food. hm i miss that moment. so much. i am so childish and orang yg lalu lalang are watching me on call with you and the thought it was boyfriend hahahaha. who cares. hm. memories.

so anyway, kin got boyfriend. she just came home after dawn. and keep on mumbling on her language which is i am not understand at all. but ya her boyfriend is quite handsome ya. oren and fluffy fur. i hold him for a second till Kin go and slap him. (jealous maybe) but dia yang bawa balik depan rumah. not my fault hahahaha

if only i can tell you this daddy. you will be laugh at my stupid jokes. i am sorry. i cannot make you proud even more. i still remember what you said to me.

ayah : awal sem dapat surat sebab pointer atas 3.5 and sekarang takde dah ke?

me : eh ada je ok. cuma dorang tak anta surat ke rumah sbb takde bajet

ayah : ye ke. ok la nanti ayah nak tgk result

me : takde report card mcm dulu dah. hahahahaha

ayah : ada - ada je la kau dik. ayah nak juga.

but once he see my result, dia akan cakap 
"okay nanti buat elok-elok lagi. adik boleh kan?"


yaaaa i got no goals ya. so i just hit whenever i can. its a gamble life. its become more miserable when you gone :')


and aku rasa this song is the best to describe my feeling right now. and bytheway, i feel so better after using this pillow hahahaha ~ ok esok la buat keje -.-" malasnya lahai !!!! please be nice ya assignment :*

untuk let go something is hurting but tryin to be fine all the time lagi sakit. so lepaskan je la. semua orang layak happy do~ what ever it is. aku dah malas nak ada kaitan dengan my past. ok bye.

meluat and sakit hati. so ya. bye ~

hahahahaha. i just being myself. so ya. ok again bye :P

dont hunt my past. i am being present right now :D

#peace <3

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

heart rest

Assalamualaikum wbt 

dan hello~

Hey~ long time no see!

What does it mean to fall hard?
falling hard” for someone means that you fall heavily in love with someone. “falling for someone hard” means that you fall for someone who is hard, or in other words, difficult personality or a tough personality. I have fallen hard for my partner, who is hard exterior, soft interior.
What is it now. Apa the hoax ? Not literally hoax. its just chaos.

nahh. i don't know how to say this. i just want to take a break. give my heart a rest to take a risk again. i know the risk and i am trying to accept the risk just need time. people can't force you to fall hard on them *pls take note

so, if you have someone who is willing to wait, u should think deeply about risk. they take the risk for you already so why don't you. its ok. it will be fine right?

Mama: Adik kalau nak kahwin kena cari laki yang ada agama dan rajin macam ayah.

Me: Adik punya taste tinggi dan adik ada high expectation untuk terima dorg datang dlm my life. so it will take time.

Mama: ye. sebab ayah dah manja kan adik sangat. takpe la apa yg terbaik buat je la. adik independent sangat. bagus la. adik sama mcm ayah.

Me: *sebak* ya terpaksa ma. sape lagi nak layan manja adik ni? hahaha

tbh, i hate this conversation. just let me chill for awhile. the wound still in healing. wait for awhile. bukan sebab broken the past relay but broken sebab my other half already gone forever. he broke my heart and take it away without giving it back.

hati ni mcm tertanam sekali dengan dia. im sorry dad.

it is hard for me actually. if you say lost your loves one (ur partner) is hard enough to deal, try think the one who raise u and gone forever like forever. at least ur partner still alive and u can check on em. but i don't know what to say. i am not comparing its just feel it is worst feeling ever. i never thought he will left me this early.

he planned so many things about marriage but ya. itu hanya sekadar merancang. its ok.

ok stuck kejap sebab tadi kawan call tanya pasal assignment.. haihh why kena belajar if ayah dah takde... its ok la. bnde dah start so need to end it.

cepat la berlalu~

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Roti John~


Hi ~

Today is sooo lucky!

Wait a minute, roti john. I can cook the best roti john that i can eat. this is a good news. ok jap otak aku masih loading after bangun dari tidur tadi...

ok actually aku nak cerita kisah roti john dgn ayah. dulu ayah suka buatkan aku roti john. and i still ingat masa tu aku nak pegi theme park dgn my cousin and ayah buatkan bekal roti john. it soo sedap. i still ingat i request banyak sbb i suka makan roti john ayah buat.

after dah besar sikit then aku baru sedar ayah mmg suka masak and yes he is the best cooker in my life ~ after seharian penat di bengkel, ayah still manage to cook at home sebab mmg ayah pandai masak by using 'apa yang ada' in the fridge. and i still remember, after ayah balik keje and takde benda nak masak, all the sudden ada dish on meja ayah masak. and semua tu ada dalam fridge. he is the best!

last year is the last puasa bersama ayah. and i still ingat dia ada belikan bahan untuk i buat roti john cuz i want to eat roti john but i want to cook by myself. so, ayah belikan roti john punya isi. and i just cook. ayah paling suka kalau aku masak. he will always puji. kalau tak sedap, ayah xkan cakap x sedap. ayah akan cakap "pandai adik masak. nanti masak kurangkan air dia sikit'. soo the way he tegur i can accept. 

masa puasa 2019 pun ayah selalu gak bawa balik makanan yg paling i suka makan masa tu which is Nasi Ikan Keli Rambo. idk why but instead of ayam, i lg prefer ikan keli masa tu and i will ask for extra sambal. before balik kerja, ayah akan singgah beli makanan. i pun x sure kenapa tapi last puasa tu mmg tak banyak masak bersama. banyak beli makanan luar je.

sometimes, ayah akan ajak i teman dia pergi tapak kat sebelah jakel kl tu sbb dia ada buat kerja kat situ so dia nak show to me hasil kerja dia. i can see his smiling is so bright and proud on what he does. i feel so proud. peoples hormat ayah and ayah still humble. people always cakap ayah tu cina cuz mata sepet dia. even my friend kata ayah cute.. alahaiii HAHAHAHA. ayah aku handsome ok masa dia muda and askar. so bae! <3

i miss him so much.

so many memories.

if only u can taste my roti john ayah... u will be so happy sebab sedap taw :P

i will never forget how i drive that night following you behind the van. its just not me. i am so lost. i also can't even think how i handle myself on that time. who im searching for.. i guess nobody. i feel total lost when i lost u dad :') *nangis jap*

i think ada benda lain i want to story but thats all for today. maybe next time i will share more. thanks for reading, anonymous <3



mama suddenly cakap i ni so berdikari. lagi nampak sejak ayah takde.. well she just realized it now? 😂😆😆

i am independent.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Let's start again, shall we?


What is all this messed ?

Is it something that bother you ?

Do you know how to feel fine ?

Why its hurt anyway ?

Should i try ?

Should i go ?

Should i take a chance ?


People are so weird sometimes. We don't even know what they want for real. Is it a probs if someone tryin to know you better?

the answer is,

semuanya okay je if dia nak kenal.

Well, i hate throwback. Sometimes, i don;t even know what i did back then. its awful but nahhh.... k ... aku speechless. what inside my mind now? its a song. rap. awesome.

can i be the real me? i just want to follow the flow. haihhh shit... its really me. but we never know ourselves right?


"Will you be mine forever ?"

Yes I do.

Let us create a new story.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Corona Virus - 19 | Online Learning UUM


hi semua~ so recently Malaysia ada Restriction Movement Order from the govt. tbh, i am so scared actually but i reaaly hope everything will be ok. I am scared actually but. hm dunia nak end but still i x repent. itu masalah i.. i hate myself. feeling so empty inside. and i hate to be me.

So, today is 1st April.

Already 15 days of quarantine i guess? since yesterday was the last pandemic and now the second wave. we really need to stop this virus. i don't know why but me myself, i know someone is need to work so they can live their life. when this happen so it will be tough.

i dunno but i miss my dad so much. i didn't do much for him but i know i am her favourite daughter. i m sorry dad.

so since this quarantine is extend so my e-learning also been extend as well. but i am not sure if other subjects will extend too cuz my Eco already send a new dates for start e-learning but not other lectures. well. just following the flow and i need to learn by myself.

good luck..

"adik, belajar je ok. ayah cari duit."

im miss you dad.

im sorry. i lost the memories in virtual but my mind always full of our memories.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Zero and OL | UUM

Assalamualaikum, Hi ~

Recently due to the outbreak of COVID-19 is getting worst in Malaysia, entire people in Malaysia are taking a precautions. Including, my Uni UUM. They started to use the online learning method. So, the student need to learn by themselves and no need to come to class. Actually, UUM always wants to implement this study method via online learning but still didn't know when is the right time to start it. Due this corona virus, UUM is taking chance to do the online learning to not taking any risk for this virus and in the same time, they can try to implement this online learning for students.

My day started with EP II classes. And someone is taking my seat in class. Then, something is worst is happening. I GOT ZERO FOR QUIZ IN STATS ! I don't know if I want to sad or happy... But sad is more than sad i guess. Its terrible but I will take it as lesson to overcome my weakness. Insha Allah. Everything happens for reason. I really hope everything is doing just fine.

Actually I am not happy learning via OL. Why?
1) The calculation need to be teach face to face
2) The explanation for hard subjects is a MUST!
3) I am afraid if i got fails.


I don't want to take it as records! I want to let it done because i hate to see something that i hate repeatedly !

Once i hate you, i don't want to see you anymore!

rabbi yassir wala tuassirr ~

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

tempat duduk

Assalamualaikum, hi....

so basically aku ada masalah masa kelas eko.. its all happen when i seat at this place then i dont really like sebab i just add subject tu.. then tempat duduk aku kat belakang adn suddenly last sunday aku kena duduk depan sekali but sebelah kiri.. sucks sebab aku tak suka duduk hujung... so esok ada kelas eko. and i really hope yg aku ada satu tempat yg aku bole duduk and study dengan tenang. aku dah jumpa lecturer and she give her permission to let me sit anywhere at the center. so esok aku kena usha seat yg kosong tanpa mengganggu or ambil seat orang lain... esok dah la kelas usahawan sat ja. HAHAHAHA after settle CEDI memang bole balik... awesome betul.. aku sedar something. if lecturer tu major dia bidang tu , dia sangat relax dalam mengajar sbb dia anggap student akan membaca sendiri hehe...

aku buat kerja but now i dunno what im doing...

lately ni aku rindu sangat kat ayah and i need to really move on...



Sunday, February 23, 2020

new journey

Assalamualaikum semua dan apa khabar :)

sem dua ni agak mencabar bagi aku sebab subjek agak susah dan killing. tapi so far apa yang di ajar aku faham cumanya aku perlukan drill yg kuat dan kukuh. aku kena rajin kan diri


aku dapat rasakan aku masih malas dan aku masih tak serious sem ni... aku kena balik kl untuk amik balik vibes tu supaya aku akan ok. tapi bila fikir balik... balik hari khamis sampai malam. then esoknya aku kena balik sini sebab sabtu ada ko-k... tak worth it langsung sebab sehari je :// nanti try la tanya mama kot dia setuju an...

kalau mama kata takyah balik aku akan stay... rindu mama actually...

adik rindu nak call ayah setiap malam. nak mengadu sambil buat suara manja :)) adik minta maaf taw ayah sebab adik tak jaga ayah dengan baik. adik akan sentiasa doakan untuk ayah sehingga ke akhir nafas adik... i love you somuch <3

Saturday, February 22, 2020

its tough

so recently my life is kinda tough now. all my subjects is quite killing me slowly.

tadi ada taekwando and of course pattern dia makin lama, makin susah and tadi dia ajar 3 jenis pattern baru and semua tu aku tak dapat tangkap langsung. so maybe i need to struggle a bit about this. so aku kena bayar untuk naik grading rm34 next week or else tak dapat naik belt baru. tadi ada pemilihan jd ajk and of course ada merit kan? ala bodohnya saya x volunteer :') rugi taw. dah ada peluang tapi tak grab...

esok ada economy... ada quiz ke ha?? kalau ada im dead. hm

killing subjexts


Wednesday, February 19, 2020



for this moment i just really can rely on her. she is the best yet i ever have.

after my dad, she is the one who will listen to my problems.

so, yesterday we caught a fight. i said something it shouldn't be said. my bad. i love you so much bae :)

you are the only one that i want. i just want you to be my future :)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

tipu polis bantuan

so harini kan aku keluar dengan roomate. then petang tadi ada pulak abang polis duk tahan kereta. then dia tahan kereta aku... dia tanya aku student ke.. aku cakap la nak hantar roomate aku study. then dia tanya aku balik "lepastu awak?" pastu aku cakap la "keluar balik la". then aku pun macam blur kejap then gelak kuat gila! HAHAHAHA

tak salahkan tipu? kang jadi banyak isu pulak so aku tipu je la..

ok la... kalau ayah ada mesti aku tak cerita benda ni. but now he know everything hehe... sorry daddy :)) adik nakal sikit la... sikit je ayah :* muahhhh

ayah,, mama bagitahu dia mimpi adik cium dahi mama... i dont know whether it is a good sign or not. but i really want to meet u asap :) i miss you so much :*

Elmo is blue

Assalamualaikum :))

Hai semua !

So harini aku keluar teman najwa pegi ambil printer kat tempat belajar at Unimap. so aku happy gak sebab aku dapat pokka melon ^^ but then aku aku sedih balik sebab aku order kfc stacker ni ha...

harga dia mahal but ....

end up aku dapat burger lain :((

ni burger yg aku dapat which is lagi murah !!!
ingatkan balik lepas dah siap solat and so on, aku dapat makan dengan tenang.. tetibe buka je kotak burger nampak ada telur and aku dah agak sure this not mine :((

now im craving again and again... i always put my craving first but i try to tahan sebab i fikir pasal mama...

i want to jaga mama so bad :) i miss you so much mama...

daddy :)) i miss you always. i will always teringat dekat you :)

daddy is sleeping

Assalamualaikum, hi and long time no see :)

To be honest i just miss my dad so bad. I cried a lot and the hardest part is i cried in silent so that nobody will realize that i am crying. so i bought a new laptop which is im not really get use to it. and i kinda regret actually. by jatuhkan dia and also buying this with not enough ram. i feel so guilty dekat abang yg jual laptop haritu. haih kalau tahu i can but laptop yg mmg dah install ram yg cukup. so next time i need to be more alert before buying new laptop.

1) not buying laptop with add on ram (which is not good)
2) buy it at good places not like all IT shop (which is not really good sebab stock lama
3) make sure to buy brand new laptop not old stock laptop. which not good too

better to buy new fan for my baby and stop finding the flaws but that is my flaws by searching their flaws. haihh end up aku jugak yang tak puas hati... damn its not good...

ayah miss you so much... i will always doakan for you daddy ^^

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Ayah, adik rindu :')

Lately ni aku tak rasa normal langsung. aku makan banyak. aku borak dengan kucing. aku lupa apa yang aku tengah buat (mcm lost minded).

last month fon aku hilang but im not telling my family fon hilang. but aku bagitahu fon aku total damage. all sudden an... stupid me. aku bole tak sedar fon aku hilang mcm mana. jatuh ke. or orang rembat ke. semua aku x sedar langsung. aku sumpah lost masa tu. haritu juga la nak beli laptop baru, then fon hilang. terus cancel plan beli laptop.

my mistakes masa fon hilang ialah aku tak buka find iphone dulu but aku terus call banyak kali sampai org tu switch off fon aku. itu la stupid sangat kan !

malam sebelum hari kejadian, aku tak bole tido. aku menangis the whole night. aku salahkan takdir kenapa ambil ayah cepat sangat. aku tak kahwin pun lagi. tapi ayah dah takde. dulu ayah pernah cakap, nanti kahwin adik, ayah nak buat grand sbb i am the only daughter he have. but semua tu hanya tinggal kenangan.

so my cousin will marry soon but i dont feel want to go sebab ayah je tempat aku menggedik and bila dia takde aku tak tahu nak ngadu dekat siapa and nak manja dengan siapa. aku rindu dia sangat.

"Adik kurus la sikit. adik gemok sangatlah sekarang." kata mama kepada ku.

if only mama tahu yg aku gemok sebab aku stress, she will never ask me to diet. yup. aku boleh katakan from 65kg aku gain sampai 82kg.

what a massive number. aku eat a lot. aku makan dan makan lagi. aku bosan, aku makan. but mostly sebab aku stress. so i eat and eat. aku rasa mcam nak pegi somewhere but i can't. if aku stress, mama mesti lagi stress. kesian mama. mama rindukan ayah sangat.

oh the best thing. aku mimpi ayah. dia drive kereta matrix bawa aku naik langat kot. but dia diam je... muka mcm biasa dia drive kalau keluar berdua dengan aku. oh i miss the moment. i love you so much dad.

adik harap sangat ayah ok je kat sana. doaku mengiringi mu ayah.

adik banyak kali suruh ayah rehat tapi ayah tak nak. ayah degil. dengan gigi ayah hampir takde hehe. ayah kata nak buat gigi kan... hehe pastu ayah keje and keje mcm takde rest langsung. untuk tampung keluarga dan adik yg high demand ! adik minta maaf ayah. adik sayang ayah. adik rindu ayah.

the last oncall masa tu, malam ayah kena admit kt hospital. sebelum tu ayah ckp nak tido so aku pun ok la sbb ayh x nak ckp dgn aku. mama yg borak. then esok aku tgk story abg aku, ayah aku kat hospital with all the tube kat mulut. haritu aku ada exam do.

then aku g mndi and fikir kena balik ke tak. then lepas habis mandi abg call, dia suruh balik then aku pun balik. aku berat hati tapi benda dah nak jadi.

ayah, u janji nak masak kuah lala for me sebab adik tak sihat masa tu... hehe but janji je ;) its ok dad. rest ya.

al fatihah 

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