
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wrap rm40 for TWO! (worth it or not?) | Ezibox WRONG NUMBER?! SOLVED!


hello people.

so, recently i just bought myself a new wrap at this one ig shop easy.wrap (boleh la kalau nak usha). then, aku ada masalah parcel which is i wrongly put my number phone and that guy already post my parcel. but luckily he post it using poslaju. so, i am staying at upm serdang right now. so all pos laju parcel will be put it ezibox.

so, bila dah salah letak number phone. abang posmen akan send mesej untuk bagi pin for our parcel. so yeah i tak dapat la pin tu sebab wrong number. i pun just wait for a few days supaya abang posmen ambil balik my parcel lepas dah 3 hari dalam ezibox tu. (lesson learn) so i tracking my post using apps which is very useful. (on ios but for android not sure) boleh download tu and track parcel korg.

okay itu apps tu bila korang masukkan tracking number, dia akan update mana parcel korang pergi. harini i pergi ambil parcel kat poslaju balakong after dia keluarkan balik parcel i dalam ezibox tu.

so, if korang pun tersilap number phone macam i, don't worry. just wait and keep on track u punya parcel then bila dah sampai hub poslaju korang boleh pergi claim. ini solution untuk orang yang tersilap key in number phone la. tapi kalau boleh elakkan la sbb menyusahkan pekerja poslaju dan kau juga sbb nak kena pegi hub poslaju. rugi masa.

okay so i received my parcel. aku order wrap. dan aku puas hati sbb material dia mmg tak sama mcm yg kedai gadget aku pernah pasang dulu. this one lagi tebal and lawa. aku dapat design yang aku suka. tbh, aku suka putih tp bila tengok marble putih pun nice gak... so why not aku beli marble putih. after tengok video cara pasang wrap ni. aku terlepas pandang. aku takde blower or heater untuk lekatkan dia supaya lagi lawa edges. so aku gunakan lighter je. nampak la comot but better than use bare hand.

aku cuba untuk lekatkan dia. aku beli masa promotion 10.10 ritu so buy one free one. aku belikan untuk kawan aku gak. dia suka so aku happy la sbb warna dia pun nice. untuk first time pasang mmg macam susah tapi lepas belajar dari kesilapan aku dah tahu cara mcm mana lagi senang untuk dia lekat. 

itu fon aku. lawa kan? harga dia mcm kat tajuk tu rm40. for me agak pricey la sbb wrap ni akan tertanggal if korang rajin tukar casing. mcm aku suka gak tukar casing so aku kena limitkan penggunaan tukar casing.

yang warna kuning gold ni kawan aku punya. lawa gak. harga asal rm35 ke rm30 aku lupa tp sebabkan aku beli dpt free, aku minta ni. sbb abg tu kata bole amik benda free yg sama harga so kawan aku insist nak ni. aku pun pilih la yg ni. kalau korang minat boleh usha ig easy.wrap :)

pakai wrap ni kena pakai casing clear yg silicon baru tak rosak kalau nak pakaikan baju untuk dia. i dah try masukkan baju kat baby marble tp edges dia asyik terganggu je. so korang kena sabar and slowly masukkan dia. kalau edges terbuka masa masukkan casing, guna je lighter bg dia sticky balik.

lepas dah 5 kali percubaan untuk memakaikan dia baju, aku takkan buka dah casing phone aku. fuh... really silicon is a good option if using wrap.

overall aku puas hati 8/10

untuk aku yang nak tukar body iphone tapi tunggu bila ada duit lebih maybe la ni option terbaik. so biar je lah dulu. dah la screen depan retak seribu. sekali dengan camera calar... hahahaha...

aku harap ada rezeki terpijak supaya boleh mengubah nasib hidup ku dan keluarga ku. amiiinnn!

kbye. salam

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What to do & what should have : on Online Class

 Assalamualaikum wbt.

Hi everyone!

So, since this semester i will be using online learning to study on my second year, so, i will share to you what things you should have when you are doing online classes.

First time i'm using this online learning as platform study. Before this my lecturer already told us about OL (online learning) which is will be implement in UUM soon but still didn't know when it can be done. Sometimes, we using OL to do our assessment and if our lecturer didn't want to do classes, she will be using OL as a platform for us to answer their questions.

Its just an intro. Ok so some things that you will need will be,

  1. Printer (if only can print black&white also fine)
  2. Files (to put ur print handouts)
  3. Laptop & cooler fan
  4. Extensions plug (if u have limited plugs)
  5. Extended usb port (mine using plug on power supply not attach to usb port on laptop)
  6. Mic and Speaker (can be use both like headphone)
  7. Phone stand (to easy record self-videos)
  8. Notes book (just 1 will be enough to jots down notes)
  9. A4 paper 70gsm (no need to be thick for printing)
  10. i think that's all for now because i am fine with it.

on the picture above, it is my workplace in my room for this semester. for me it is very simple. I just simply put a wrap paper on my wall to easily stick some important date for my assignment. So, if you have any ideas to decorate your workplace, just do it. Do it what you want and feel at ease doing your work there.

For me, doing work with minimize thing on table is fine for me. i don't like so many stuff on my table. just have what i need to have. oh btw, i also bought myself a microphone BOYA for recording my videos since my assignment will need to make so many videos soon.

so yeah. this is the most important thing to have since we need more usb port to plug in. my laptop only have 2 usb port so obviously i need it. i bought this tp-link for rm35.00 at lowyatt. it is worth it since this thing is a branded stuff and you need to buy this thing if you not have enough usb port.

ok next, this is the stand for my file and book. maybe you can buy this at Eco shop for only rm2.10 each. just buy the cheapest one because one day you will not use this anymore (maybe).

oh yeah i think you do need some hard back cover for easy you to write on bed since online classes will lead some boredom. sometimes, i study on bed and write down notes on my scalp paper with back hard cover to ease writing. i usually use my file for my own notes but its not helping so i change my strategy this sem to buy it at Noko rm2 only. cheap right?

no need to buy fancy stuff but if only that stuff is worth it to buy expensive then its fine (like my usb port). so, its your life to live your life. all the best for your study and keep hustling !


btw, this new me. old me pls go.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020



Saje nak post sini since mine is kinda crack sbb pixel kot. wtv. later i try la.
so, hey ... apa khabar. maybe i need to slow down a bit. less talk maybe. or keep talking? shhhh remain silent and die ~ need to have a study vibes but nah i dont have that vibes yet...

killing my times sambil buat favicon but i think i tak puas hati langsung. hm. maybe i need to make it clear but how? more research need to be done but later la.... i x berapa rajin la... (im sad sbb kelas nak start)

all the best for everyone. keep hustling till we are die. kbye

Friday, October 2, 2020

Among Us !... is covid.

 Assalamualaikum wbt,

salam sejahtera...

so recently , kes covid meningkat like so bad. aku ada gak la pergi putrajaya such as ioi pastu malam2 pergi la jogging kat park. since ada prk kat sabah aku dah agak mesti kes covid akan naik and also kat putrajaya pun mesti ada kes.


sebab mostly ramai je org politik akan ke sabah untuk berpolitik... and its not just that taw... mestilah orang yang berkempen kat sana pun bukannya asal sabah. but org luar from sabah. lagi menyedihkan bila ada budak kecil tetibe dapat covid. pastu ada gak kes that cikgu bawa covid ke sekolah. but its not that cikgu salah but laki dia yg baru balik from prk at sabah. hmm 

orang kaya kalau kena pkp 2.0 mesti tak ter effect sgt but if kena kat orang susah yg mmg kais pagi makan pagi? mmg kena keluar cari keje baru ada duit then how? sbb tu ada bantuan but bantuan also tak disalurkan dgn betul. if only orang susah yg mmg buta IT then dpt pulak ketua kg yang jenis tak kisah and lantak kan je. then how? kesian gak la.

even funnier, ada isu pasal line internet kat sarawak. ada gak menteri yg nak fight dgn budak tu sampai ajak jumpa. its bullshit. budak tu sanggup panjat pokok untuk dptkan line internet so that dia boleh jawab test and buat assignment but how that menteri react? "saje nak perhatian" LAME.



kesian rakyat. kita punyalah ikut sop. pakai mask but orang atasan? relax je kan. pity country.

buka twitter je menyakitkan hati tengok menteri duk busy kejar kuasa. DG Hisyam sampai give up nak announce covid cases everyday. lack of sleep im sure and also all the front liners as well. masa habis untuk rawatan covid and stay up untuk jaga patients. they really valid to have all the priority sbb they're fighting for us. i really hope KKM boleh bg rewards yang sepatutnya.

well this month i start of with 'Jatuh tangga" hahahaha

and yes im in pain right now. my left leg is bruising while my right leg is hurting so much haha. oh yeah i think this time i let go one of the best thing that i ever wanted to be actually. i want to be MPP since Diploma but i never did it. then now JKPS is also a dream (for now since i baru sem 3) hahahaha~ maybe next time i think. this time i need to focus more on my study first. and i cant be so stress or migraine might attack me.

now mmg la leisure but not study yet. so let see what will happen. i cant do many jobs in one time if i am doubt bout it so yeah better let it go for now. its ok. maybe i will be fine soon~

that's all for now. tetibe teringat how my dad treat me when im sick :)

love you ayah <3 

my prayer always for u !


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