
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Study Trip Langkawi


Hai there... Hahaha (Manglish) so, now in the flight (while typing) its kinda rare to update about flight and i don't know why... But i think, last update about flight in 2013 (masa tahun 1)

Semua flight nak pergi Langkawi aku dah try.. Tapi rayani air still in my bucket list.. Tak dapat nak fulfill lagi sebab masa yang tak berapa nak kena xD

Lawa tak? (But spoil sebab cermin kotor) hahahaha... Aku duduk seat 19f (last sekali) and tak best sebab takleh nak sandar. Huhhh spoil laaa -_-

And ramai cakap pramugari fireflyz tak lawa... But really look is matter? You just need a friendly flight attendant ...

Yaaa... I need to take a nap. Bye ~
posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, March 18, 2016

Live it √

Its been a while. Lama dah tak update blog. Rasa macam nak update guna lappy, but tak terasa nak typing pape. Rasa macam takde feeling. Takde ilham etc~

So, can i say like almost another 7 months i guess (not pro math) okay la just roughly... And then i will be leaving Langkawi forever (kot)... Study kat sana memang best. Dengan kekawan Kedah (mostly Utara) mmg jenis sempoi and cakap pedas but kekadang funny. I gonna miss them! ❤

When talk about friends, aku malas nak cakap banyak. If you want to be my friend, just be my friend. Stay or leave. I will never force it. But kena ingat, i won't easily forgetting people but once aku dah lupakan, yes! Memang akan lupa terus. And all the memories and stuff~

Masa cuti ni banyak sangat benda yang make me upset, sad, mad, insane and more! The most makes me sad, my dad sick ): if ayah sakit, i will falling sick too! Itu yang aku lemah.. Suddenly pening kepala and lain² (malas nak mention) dia macam connected in blood la kot (anak ayah) so, if nak tahu aku sihat ke tak... Tanya my dad. Is he fine? Hmmm lately he's not *sigh*

Recently , my laptop jatuh and i thought just retak but tak! Haihhh.. Hampir nak tercabut power supply tu... But nasib baik still boleh on. Sedih.. Dah la assignment banyak dalam laptop... Pastu tadi handphone jatuh... Ada la retak sikit. Damn seram... Hmmm kalau nak jadi pape, just jadi kat aku not other people... Aku tak kuat nak tengok orang lain sakit. Auch!

(Gambar 2016) hahahahahaha

Masa aku rasa down, aku selalu fikir negatif. Semua orang tinggalkan aku. Takde siapa ada disamping aku. Rasa macam di pinggirkan. Yaaa banyak (-) hahahaha... Stress pulak rasanya.

How i overcome my (-)?
Easy~ keep myself happy by watching my favourite channel on youtube (stupid vloggers) hahahaha... Or maybe aku dengar lagu merapu. And and also i will think reversely.. Lol.. How? Ye la.. Think something that will make you feel better not worst.

Aku ni cakap je tak caring, but actually aku caring sangat... Sampai terlebih dari diri sendiri. My hobby just to feel free. Kekadang kan busy dengan assignment apa semua, with my leisure time i love sleeping and have some rest. Penat dengan manusia (termasuk diri sendiri) and deal with problems. Problems will never stop bothering you but semua masalah ada penyelesaian. Even susah or lambat sekali pun.

Human neeeeedssss friend!

Yup true ! Aku akui memang manusia perlukan kawan untuk sembang kosong, share pemikiran and sometimes to share some problems. Aku tak salahkan 'kawan' yang ada time dia susah je itu jahat. Why? Sebab kalau dorang tak susah, dia takkan ingat kat korang. Its ok if they act like that. But the most hurt part when kau pulak need someone to calm yourself. On that time baru kau tahu siapa kawan yg kau nak chat or cari. If me, nobody. I was thinking that they're busy witk their life. And i? Busy with nothing. Yeah...

Jadi heartless memang best.. Tapi bukan selalu.. Kena kadang² je. Kalau terlampau heartless takut kau dah takde perasaan langsung. Bahaya tu.

Esok nak kena balik Langkawi dah )': not happy but will sad soon nak tinggalkan tempat belajar. Lol (member je actually) hahahaha...

I will keep myself happy no matter what. Aku sakit ke apa, bukan semua orang tahu. Biarlah rahsia aku sakit apa. Hahahaha~

K gerak lu, pape roger ❤
posted from Bloggeroid

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