
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Me ALONE >.<"


hai guys! hahaha! lama sangat dah tak update.. and today i am back! hari ni nak update my first experience ALONE! hahaha! pengalaman ni boleh dikatakan best + AWKWARD yg teramat sangat! speechless aku sesorang ! haha

korang tahu kan yg aku dah pindah ke langkawi untuk study course tourism? yeahh man! itu choice yg kedua k! not my first choice! my first choice is 'seni kulinari' i wanna be a chef!! not a tourist guide or whatsoever! haha.. k diammm!

right... let's continue cerita aku by ME ALONE!

my first time stay in de hotel and naik flight ALONE! get it? or still blur?
okay actually, aku dah boleh balik hari Khamis petang but my cousin book my flight on Friday! mannn! so, she book a room at One Hotel Helang.. 

this hotel ^__^
why that hotel? sebab hotel tu serious dekat dgn Padang Matsirat (the airports in Langkawi) so, i have no choice, i need to sleep there for a night with cost me about RM215.00 !! hahaha! itu baru room.. tak fikir about my tea and dinner? hampir RM80.00 k! nasib je i have more duit lebih.. but seriously, the food just an average.. not really nice! 

what i like about that hotel, all the workers there are so friendly and always SMILE! :) i like them <3 hehehe! but, something that make me so awkward was, when i come in de hotel, and i direct to the counter reception, the workers there see me like a ghost come in the hotel.. wae-yo? haha! dengan pakaian aku yg berwarna oren lg terang ! XD haha.. dah macam makcik cleaner je aku tengok! SERIOUSLY SHAME! 

room for 2 person
actually, my room obviously like that. and something that make me shock was the TV ! damn! like an old school TV!!!! damnn! hahaha... but my room for 2 people actually, so, me? ALONE... how is it? yeahh, i just enjoy my life alone! cool right???

seriously, aku mmg nak g pool dia but masa dia tetapkan jam 11 am - 12 am JE! too fast you know? mann! hahaha.. so, aku just melihat pemandangan yg indah dgn lelaki matsaleh yg agak 'hot'.. anyway, masa nak naik lift, ada matsaleh say 'hello' to me! mmg time tu aku melting! hahaha XD k stop...

yes! lagi bertambah heaven aku kat situ sebab ada bathtub! aku mandi untuk 1 jam aku rasa.. main buih and also relaxing my mind! hahaha.. stress k, baru lepas keluar dari penjara! LOL im a bekas banduan.. cool kan? my experience much! shhhh diammm....

aku check in hari Khamis at 2.45pm and for sure la kan aku lapar! so? aku pun pergi order la makanan.. cool! hahaha.. *habis duit aku* LOL k skip bout food cuz itu tak menarik XD

the next day, aku bangun lewat sikit sbb penat pikul bag sampai 12kg! hahaha... esok tu aku ada breakfast buffet... hahaha.. so, aku pun pergilah ke ballroom dia.. and guess what? i already thought bout that, they will look at me like i am a baby who came into the wrong place (i guess)... k... so, aku dgn muka slumber, set up place and take some food cuz i really hungry! can't mention it sbb serious aku lapar.. i dunno why is that happen! some of them are watching me.. just like de foreign! they look at me like i ni tak layak in dat hotel or maybe cuz im ALONE? tell me whyyyyyyyyy~

okay done eating sampai 10am.. back to the hotel, switch on the tv and suddenly ada pink panther 2.. sambil packing nak check out, sambil tu boleh gak aku tgk FAV movie aku , kan? lol! lantak p ahhh!

so, tepat 12pm time cerita FAV aku tu habis, terus aku keluar and check out! aku jalan kaki g Padang Matsirat.. takdelah jauh mana... dekat je actually... so, aku buat muka like aku tgh nak travelling la konon XD itu another my first time experience k! cool or shameful? COOLFUL! >_<"

for my first time gak, g airport jalan kaki by MYSELF! hahaha! nak cerita sedih mmg la kan? takde kawan nak story mory... bosanlah sesorang! aku gerak g airport pukul 12pm and kena tunggu sampai 4pm baru departure?? gila ahh ! time tu kan, ada 1 family dia tanya aku .. mcm ni conversation dia :-

Dia: eh sorang je ke?

Me: a;ah sorang je.. (takkan tak nampak aku sorg je kot)

Dia: pelajar ke?

Me: a'ah belajar kat sini...

Dia: nak ke mana?

Me: KL .. haha

Dia: jom lah naik.. kang terlepas.. *muka risau*

Me: takpe.. lepas ni je.. sbb ramai sangatlah *smile*

Dia: okay.. jangan terlepas sudah

Me: takkan lah kot.. *gelak*

hahaha! seriously aku ni pelik sangat ke jalan sorang-sorang? LOL nak tergelak sekuat-kuatnya kalau boleh.. can ah? HAHAHA

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  halo. im back. seriously i missed writing here. its like my personal diary on public LOL. i dont mind because nobody knows me anyway. so, ...

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