
Friday, September 13, 2019

degree life


and hi!

3/9/2019 bersamaan dengan Selasa !

Aku daftar ke Uni untuk starts the journey as a student again. After several years aku jadi employee and now back to the student life.

It's really tough for me to blend in this U life. Idk why but I try my best.

Overall being a student is not bad at all. It seems so fine unless you need to catch up real quick in Uni life. or else you will be in trouble dude!

harini is cuti day in kedah. so tak pelik la kalau aku ada waktu lapang harini...

biasanya awal sem memang free and easy sikit sebab tak start lagi assignment dan so on... mostly aku tengok kawan aku macam struggle dgn Uni life. so aku assume susah la gak jd budak Uni berbanding jadi budak sekolah. walaupun timetable penuh tapi ada je masa buat benda lain and kerja still on time.

so apa yg susah jadi budak Uni? maybe sbb kena srs in doing some works.... ye la kot...

aku paling risau thesis actually... dulu aku ingat lagi.. aku tak nak sambung sbb aku benci thesis... then suddenly aku rasa mcm tak puas hati and nak grad lagi sekali dgn topi.. masa kolej aku takde topi so aku try nak dapatkan topi tu jugak !

now i feel like jadi annoying :)

entah la... i hate it if someone downgrades me... i just want to cry and write it somewhere then throw it away.

please don't do that to me.. i dont like it... aku tak cakap pasal kau so kau jangan cakap pasal aku! or else aku lost respect kat kau. tah pape la...



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