
Friday, October 2, 2020

Among Us !... is covid.

 Assalamualaikum wbt,

salam sejahtera...

so recently , kes covid meningkat like so bad. aku ada gak la pergi putrajaya such as ioi pastu malam2 pergi la jogging kat park. since ada prk kat sabah aku dah agak mesti kes covid akan naik and also kat putrajaya pun mesti ada kes.


sebab mostly ramai je org politik akan ke sabah untuk berpolitik... and its not just that taw... mestilah orang yang berkempen kat sana pun bukannya asal sabah. but org luar from sabah. lagi menyedihkan bila ada budak kecil tetibe dapat covid. pastu ada gak kes that cikgu bawa covid ke sekolah. but its not that cikgu salah but laki dia yg baru balik from prk at sabah. hmm 

orang kaya kalau kena pkp 2.0 mesti tak ter effect sgt but if kena kat orang susah yg mmg kais pagi makan pagi? mmg kena keluar cari keje baru ada duit then how? sbb tu ada bantuan but bantuan also tak disalurkan dgn betul. if only orang susah yg mmg buta IT then dpt pulak ketua kg yang jenis tak kisah and lantak kan je. then how? kesian gak la.

even funnier, ada isu pasal line internet kat sarawak. ada gak menteri yg nak fight dgn budak tu sampai ajak jumpa. its bullshit. budak tu sanggup panjat pokok untuk dptkan line internet so that dia boleh jawab test and buat assignment but how that menteri react? "saje nak perhatian" LAME.



kesian rakyat. kita punyalah ikut sop. pakai mask but orang atasan? relax je kan. pity country.

buka twitter je menyakitkan hati tengok menteri duk busy kejar kuasa. DG Hisyam sampai give up nak announce covid cases everyday. lack of sleep im sure and also all the front liners as well. masa habis untuk rawatan covid and stay up untuk jaga patients. they really valid to have all the priority sbb they're fighting for us. i really hope KKM boleh bg rewards yang sepatutnya.

well this month i start of with 'Jatuh tangga" hahahaha

and yes im in pain right now. my left leg is bruising while my right leg is hurting so much haha. oh yeah i think this time i let go one of the best thing that i ever wanted to be actually. i want to be MPP since Diploma but i never did it. then now JKPS is also a dream (for now since i baru sem 3) hahahaha~ maybe next time i think. this time i need to focus more on my study first. and i cant be so stress or migraine might attack me.

now mmg la leisure but not study yet. so let see what will happen. i cant do many jobs in one time if i am doubt bout it so yeah better let it go for now. its ok. maybe i will be fine soon~

that's all for now. tetibe teringat how my dad treat me when im sick :)

love you ayah <3 

my prayer always for u !


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