
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Nothing much. Just *speechless*

First of all, HI all of you! I am not really busy but I just don't see any right time to update my blog. I am sorry. So, holiday will be end soon... *why so soon !!*

Okayyy, for your info, I am serious not READY yet ! -_____- hmmm... Obviously not ready.. You know why? Because I will become Senior at my place... It is my first time.. I mean, ya,, I am an HOSTEL kid right? So, the feeling is just so different!

Anyway, Happy Holiday New Year....

Ehhh? xD
Chill out man!
Serious aku cakap, aku memang tak ready lagi nak masuk alam 17 tahun dan senior kat asrama... Macam mana la agaknya feeling tu kan... ish... kalau kat sekolah harian biasa, mana ada senior junior ni ha... tak pernah wujud jurang langsung! so unfair la asrama! kenapa mesti ada jurang senior and junior? motif? lahai -__- dah macam apa je aku rasa dohhh ! (okay dah macam tempat luahkan perasaan* eh bior le !)

But benda yang paling aku tak suka ialah when cikgu pilih kasih! Itu paling aku bengang and tak suka! Kalau boleh semua nak bagi kat dorang... Cikgu boleh je bagi arahan budak lain untuk tengok kemampuan dia pulak... Ni tak! Harapkan dorang je ! K ! aku bukan stand out for myself je but also some of them too! k -_- That is really pissed me off!


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